When I bought the RV-12 I knew I wanted to use mogas as much as possible. Bringing it in to the airport wasn’t an issue but getting it into the plane with 5 gallon jugs shoulder height was going to get old really fast. I go through over 1000 gallons of gas per year so this was my solution.
I welded a frame using steel angle fitted to hold (3) VP brand 5 gallon fuel jugs, (they actually hold 6.25 gallons). I used 3/16 vinyl coated cable with grounding clamps. I have a dedicated 12 volt battery for power. A PC680 battery will pump 200+ gallons between charges.
The pump is a Fill-Rite RD812NH 12 volt powerd and comes with a hose and trigger nozzle that are fully bonded back to the pump. I added a Goldenrod 496-3/4 water-block filter (56591), filters to 17 micron.
I added (2) 3/16 vinyl coated cables with grounding clamps to the cart so when fueling the plane, fuel nozzle, and pump are all connected together to an earth ground.