My name is Walt, I love flying and all aspects of flying. I have been flying and competing with remote control airplanes, helicopters and drones for the past 50 years. I started flying full-size helicopters in 1995 and added on fixed wing PPL in 2019. I retired from the aerospace industry and designed and piloted drones to film for the motion picture industry. This was before drones were even known to the general public. Our drones were called “camera ships” basically a very large remote helicopter carrying a 3 axis gimbal and a 10 pound 35mm film camera.
I bought my RV-12 which was built in 2019 by an extremely talented builder, what I’m saying is it is flawless in the quality of the build. The builder and I have become great friends since the purchase.
I bought the plane with 385 hours on the hobbs, and currently have over 1488 hrs. I fly a lot about 230 hrs per year. I fly almost exclusively with my wife and our dog “Peanut”.
I like to tinker and have the skills to create and make things plus a good group of friends to bounce ideas off of.
I decided to blog to share the things I have done to my RV-12 and my experience with the mods.
The obvious disclaimer is the projects on this blog are what I have done on my plane and in no way do I suggest you do these things, that is your responsibility and risk. I am glad to share my ideas and how and why I did these mods.
I can be contacted at