Thermostatis kit

I added the thernostasis to increase warm up times and help keep engine temperatures more consistent.  There isn’t a lot to say about it, it does exactly what it is supposed to do. I live in Southern California, the weather hits 110f a few days in the summer and will get 40f in the winter. When it is real cold out I was 10+ minutes to get to 120f. With the thermostatis I am only 5-6 minutes. Summer days with OAT 80f the engine is warmed up in 3-4 minutes.

I am saving several minutes of run time on my engine every day I fly. This adds up and over the 2000 TBO life of the engine should gain me 100 -150 hours of additional flying. Add to the more air time I will get, the engine it happier to have a more consistent oil temperature.

The installation is as easy as fitting hoses, I had to drain oil first and re-prime the oil afterwards. I mounted the thermostatis behind the gearbox off to the right on top of cylinder # 1.

This is who I got the thermostasis and hoses from.

the location of the thermostasis unit
the location of the thermostasis unit